Time Warp Scan - Freeze Filter

Time Warp Scan - Freeze Filter

Freeze Scan will definitely bring you laughter and fun and interesting experiences.

FREEZE SCAN allows you to take amazing photos and videos with an effect similar to TikTok.

This is a filter for videos and images that is extremely popular among young people recently. With time distortion, you can create unique faces, funny looks, and create interesting photos. The warp scan effect is one of the most popular and viral challenges on social media. Now you can use this modern face distortion filter for free with time distortion effect.

How does it work?

The Time Warp Scan filter, also known as the "blue line filter," works by freezing the image on the screen incrementally as a blue line moves down or across the screen.

The common usage of Time Warp Scan Filter:

Smoking illusion

Uses the Time Warp Scan effect to create an exaggerated smoke image.

Double mirror

It creates a double mirror that does not correspond to the person's own image.

Thin, wavy eyebrows

Using the effect to make it look like they have thin eyebrows.

The effect fails

Just posting the failed uses of Time Warp Scan.


- choose between taking photos or videos,

- choose the scan direction by swiping right or down,

- save photos and videos,

- share your TIME WARP SCAN's with your friends via TikTok, Snapchat, Facebrummy circleook Messenger, WhatsApp, Instagram, Likee and many other apps.

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