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Description of Rooftops ✟ God is good! Matthew 10:27 What I tell you in the dark, say in the light, and what you hear whispered, proclaim on the housetops.This is an app that helps you send secret messages to your friend on paper using qrcodes. The person you desire to send it to is the only one who can read the message or really know it is there. The option to email is coming soon, right now you must have the qr code visible either on another screen or printed out. as well soon we hope to add the option to snail mail the message for you for a small fee. Your friend does not need to be online to read the message. This is not a scam and uses pretty high grade encryption, but makes it relatively easy and fun to use and by all means please use it for happy and edifying things. We might not know what you send, but God does... nonrummy alle of us are perfect and He has provided a way out from our mistakes by repenting and putting our trust fully in the Lord Jesus Christ His only begotten Son as He says He is, it is all in the B I B L E, He is coming soon and to know why we would want to send hidden messages watch this too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuinaIm-kd4 though i would like to hear Rockeffellers opinion, and see freedom to fascism and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0Q5eZhCPuc may God guide and bless them all, bringing all to repentance and the knowledge and love of the truth who is Jesus Christ, He healed, not only many people if have witnessed, even my dog of pretty aparent cataracts by the morning after we prayed for her, and do not fret but keep your eyes on the Lord Jesus Christ as He says He is in the Bible He is really wonderful.Product right now alfa, under development.
Version history Rooftops ✟ New in rooftop 1.04.LoveJesus Praise Jesus, He is good,- refactoring, layout, keyhandlersGod is good! Please rate this app
rummy cafe