Free download Focus Test APK for Android

Descrummy royalription of Focus Test How focused are you? Take this simple test and find out!Can you concentrate and score very high? Or will you be distracted by cats and cheeseburgers?Are you parents? Your kids might solve each puzzle faster than you do!Or maybe you are single.Why don't you impress your friends with your lightning speed moves!Someone might just be interested......with the cheeseburgers...Or are you an executive interviewing potential candidates?Give them this app and see if they can figure it out!HOW TO PLAY:- There are 3 groups of items: Animals, Fruits, and Processed Foods.- Simply find 1 item that doesn't have a group buddy.

Version history Focus Test New in Focus Test 5 VERSION - 5- Updated the intro screen.- All devices now have 5x5 grids.- Added awesomesauce link. Please rate this app

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