we site
<b>NDM - Guitar</b> is an educational music game "Swiss knife" on guitar.
<b>NDM - Guitar</b> allows you to have fun while learning how to <b>read music</b> on a guitar, develop your musical ear and also offers many additional features.
<u><b>♪♫ Features</b></u>
✓ 2 types :
. . .<i>Reading music</i>
. . .<i>Ear training</i>
✓ 4 modes :
. . .<i>Training</i>
. . .<i>Timed gamRummy e</i> (finding the maximum score in a 1 or 2 minutes game)
. . .<i>Survival mode</i> (Game over if you make a mistake)
. . .<i>Challenge mode</i> (Challenge on 5, 10, 20, 50 et 100 notes !)
✓ 3 notation systems to display the notes name :
. . .<i>Do Ré Mi Fa Sol La Si</i>
. . .<i>C D E F G A B</i>
. . .<i>C D E F G A H</i>
✓ Practice on a single string of the violin
✓ Practice on a particular scale
✓ Option to show / hide frets (fretless) of guitar
✓ Sound & Vibrate mode
✓ Save scores by types and games modes
✓ Share your score on Twitter, Facebook, etc...
<u><b>♪♫ Additional features</b></u>
✓ Dictionary of scales (Display scales on the guitar)
. . .Available scales are :
. . . . . .<i>Pentatonic major scale</i>
. . . . . .<i>Pentatonic minor scale</i>
. . . . . .<i>Blues scale</i>
. . . . . .<i>Major scale</i>
. . . . . .<i>Minor scale</i>
✓ Dictionary of chords
. . .Available chords are :
. . . . . .<i>Major</i>
. . . . . .<i>Minor</i>
. . . . . .<i>7 (dom)</i>
. . . . . .<i>7 Major</i>
. . . . . .<i>7 Minor</i>
. . . . . .<i>Dim</i>
. . . . . .<i>Aug</i>
✓ Help displaying the notes name (each string of the guitar)
<u><b>♪♫ Contact</b></u>
If you find any bug or if you have any suggestions to help improve NDM - Guitar, please contact me !
<u><b>♪♫ Website</b></u>
<b>NDM - Guitar</b> website: <a href="https://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.google.com/url?q%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.progmatique.fr%252Ffreewares%252Ffreeware-10-NDM-Guitare.html%26sa%3DD%26sntz%3D1%26usg%3DAFQjCNFARqu4AbTXBHU5GbS9IZPLFpkoqA&sa=D&usg=AFQjCNGg7FHJ-BVRkjmNOPhnbqOypQxjww" target="_blank">http://www.progmatique.fr/freewares/freeware-10-NDM-Guitare.html</a>
<u><b>♪♫ NDM</b></u>
NDM means <b>NotesDeMusique</b>, this is the name of the first educational music game that I developed. NotesDeMusique is a game designed to help you easily learn reading music notes on a staff.
You will find in the "software suite" NDM :
. . .<b>NotesDeMusique</b>, The first, which focuses on reading notes on a musical score (on a staff, for music theory)
. . .Specific applications for each musical instrument :
. . . . . .<b>NDM - Guitar</b>, specific application for <b>guitar</b> (reading notes, ear training, dictionary of scales, dictionary of chords, ...)
. . . . . .<b>NDM - Ukulele</b>, specific application for <b>ukulele</b> (reading notes, ear training, dictionary of scales, dictionary of chords, ...)
. . . . . .<b>NDM - Bass</b>, specific application for <b>bass</b> : (reading notes, ear training, dictionary of scales, ...)
. . . . . .<b>NDM - Piano</b>, specific application for <b>piano</b> : (reading notes, ear training, dictionary of chords, ...)
. . . . . .<b>NDM - Violin</b>, specific application for <b>violin</b> : (reading notes, ear training, dictionary of scales, ...)</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>