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Web Alert lets you define alerts to notify you immediately when a webpage element changed to a particular value.
You can set alerts for product prices, news, exam results, concert dates etc.
You can track sections of a webpage which you select with a build-in selector similar to jQuery or CSS selector.
You can interpret the selection in three ways:
* as a text
* as a number
* as a date
You can use regular expressions, in a Search and Replace, to extract just the useful information from the selected elements.
Tutorial #1: Text Alert (e.g. get notifications when your name is mentioned on a website)
Tutorial #2: Number Alert (e.g. get notifications when the price of Samsung Galaxy S6 drops under 500 euros)
Tutorial #3: Date Alert (e.g. get notifications when your favorite band announces a concert between 1st and 10th of June)
For a full documentation of the selector syntax please visit website:
For a full documentation of the date and time patters please visit websites: