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Finally apply a word for the Word of the Bible to children
While listening to the Bible, your child can play in order to win a shield from God, because it increases his knowledge of the Bible. I play "I look for crosses" and I gather and solve a puzzle to get the helmet of salvation, the foundation of faith, or the collar of truth. The vest is made of right with other games such as the color of the pages and the verses. Your child can also record his voice to share a story, a memory verse or a color page through email. Imagine that your child stays in touch with family and friends because he is involved in spreading the Word of God!
Using beautifully illustrated stories, your child will enjoy Bible learning! In addition to the stories you can use the radio network. Kids during your working time with family. Listen to the Bible, and I understand the Bible as never before.
Listen. I understand. has evolved
This app includes the stories described, with more stories to be added soon.
The Birth of Jesus
Jesus was baptized
A feast for five thousand people
Jesus clears the blind and the blind
Jesus enters the city of Jerusalem
An empty tomb
Powered by Faith Body comes by listening and in partnership with a child's missionary missionary.