we site
TV Romania 2020 va ajuta sa vedeti programele tv din Romania, aducand o interfata simpla si prietenoasa. Aplicatia noastra functioneaza pe orice telefon sau tableta cu ajutorul unei retele Wireless sau 3G/4G.
Ce va oferim noi si alte aplicatii nu o fac:
- Nu este necesara instalarea altor aplicatii precum Sopcast sau Acestream pentru functionare
- Spatiul ocupat de aplicatie este insignifiant
- Interfata aplicatiei noastre este simpla si usor de folosit
- Porneste imediat
- Incarca in cateva secunde orice program
- Ruleaza usor pe orice telefon
ATENTIE! Canalele nu sunt hostate pe un server al nostru, astfel ca acestea pot deveni nefunctionale oricand. Realizam verificari si update-uri de surse in cel mai scurt timp.
Daca gasiti un program nefunctional sau doriti sa adaugam un program in lista noastra, va rugam sa ne scrieti pe e-mail si vom face update imediat cu solicitarea dumneavoastra.
Ne puteti scrie pe mail orice nemultumire sau problema legata de aplicatie si vom incerca sa va raspundem in maxim 24h.
Suntem deschisi la orice propunere legata de aplicatie.
Our app contains free channels and does not provide premium subscriptions or access. All channels are free to watch and streamed by their provider. If you are the owner of any channel and you want to remove it from our app, contact us at [email protected] and we will immediately remove it.
DMCA Notice (Important):
This app does not own or host any content. We do not provide streaming content ourselves. This application is designed to facilitate users to easily find and access media content over the Internet (publicly available). If you Fortune OXmake use of this application you agree to respect the rights of the content owners. If not you should not download and use this application.
It is our policy to respond to clear notices of alleged copyright infringement. If you are a copyright owner or an agent thereof, and you believe that any content in our app infringes your copyrights, then contact us with details at: [email protected]