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Sorry, Several days and is updated frequently.
This application is a Japanese-style mahjong(麻雀).
Supported screen size
and more.
Network(TCP/IP and Bluetooth) Play.
SD install available(OS2.2 or higher).
A variety of game modes and characters.
Handedness can be set.
Tile zoomable.
Auto save.
Portrait & Landscape screen.
Practice Mode.
Send to External applications.(etc. Twitter Client)
Avatar select.
Please visit our website.
Desculpe, vários dias e é atualizado com freqüência.
Esta aplicação é um mahjong de estilo japonês (麻雀).
Tamanho da tela suportados
320x240,320x480,480x800,480x854, IS01,400x240,960x640,1024x600,640x480,1280x768,1280x800,960x540
e mais.
* Características *
Network (TCP / IP e Bluetooth) Play.
SD instalar disponível (OS2.2 ou superior).
Uma variedade de modos de jogo e caracteres.
A lateralidade pode ser ajustado.
Zoomable Tile.
Salvar Auto.
Retrato & tela Paisagem.
Pratique Mode.
Enviar para aplicações externas. (Etc. Twitter Cliente)
Avatar select.
Por favor, visite nosso website.
Sorry, Several days and is updated frequently.
This application is a Japanese-style mahjong(麻雀).
Supported screen size
and more.
Network(TCP/IP and Bluetooth) Play.
SD install available(OS2.2 or higher).
A variety of game modes and characters.
Handedness can be set.
Tile zoomable.
Auto save.
Portrait & Landscape screen.
Practice Mode.
Send to External applications.(etc. Twitter Client)
Avatar select.
Please visit our website.